Visual Troops


We Provide A Digital Platform

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Our Expert Narratives

Website & SEO

Is a website really necessary for the growth of my business?

Yes, for sure! The majority of consumers research products or services before making any purchases. Therefore, the online presence gives credibility, boosts awareness, and generates sales.

What is the general cost of developing a business website?

Every business website is unique. Therefore, their costs can vary depending on the project's complexity. Customized websites with a minimum of functionality cost you less than those that need more.

Why is SEO important for my website?

This inbound marketing strategy is important as it helps to make your visibility online more prominent, allows you to reach potential customers, and creates a strong force that boosts your business.

How do SEOs select keywords to incorporate into the content?

SEO experts use various tools to choose keywords, like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and Moz. We may also use suggestions based on the keywords a customer would like to rank for.
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Content, UI/UX & more..

How long should social media marketing take me?

This is highly dependent on your brand and where else you’re marketing. Our team generally works several hours a week to write content, make graphics, interact with other brands, and keep up with the latest trends.

Why does content marketing matter so much?

Content marketing holds significant importance as it drives potential customers to your website through valuable and informative writing in the form of blogs, captions, or more, leading to potential gains.

What is the difference between web design and UI/UX design?

Web design focuses on what a website looks like, and UI/UX design focuses on what the experience of using a site or app feels like, ensuring it doesn’t only look “nice,” but also changes a user’s desired behavior and decision-making process.

How much time will it take to make an animated video?

Various video types have different requirements based on the overall needs of the client. The simplest video production takes from __ to __ weeks, while the more complex one takes from __ to __ months.